Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

1.What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure aimed at removing infected or damaged pulp from the inside of a tooth. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, and infection can occur due to deep decay, cracks, or trauma to the tooth. The procedure helps to save the tooth, relieve pain, and restore normal function.

Types of Root Canal Treatment:

1.Traditional Root Canal Treatment: Involves cleaning and sealing the infected tooth pulp in a single or multiple visits.
2. Apicoectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the tip of the tooth root and surrounding infected tissue.
3. Pulpotomy: Partial removal of the tooth pulp, typically performed on primary (baby) teeth.
4. Pulpectomy: Complete removal of the tooth pulp, often used in cases of severe infection or damage.

Cost you find in Hyderabad:

In Hyderabad, the cost of root canal treatment generally ranges from ₹2500 to ₹5000, depending on various factors such as the complexity of the case, the type of clinic, and the materials used. For instance, traditional root canal treatments usually cost between ₹2,500 and ₹50000, while laser-assisted root canal treatments range from ₹6,000 to ₹8,000

Root Canal Treatment Process

FAQs on Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that removes infected or damaged pulp from inside a tooth, cleans and disinfects the area, and then seals it to prevent further infection.

 A root canal is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures, or injury. This treatment saves the tooth and prevents the infection from spreading.

Modern root canal treatments are generally no more painful than a routine filling. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area, ensuring a comfortable experience during the procedure.

 A root canal procedure typically takes one to two visits, each lasting about 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case.

After the procedure, your tooth may be slightly sensitive for a few days. It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene and follow your dentist’s instructions. A crown is usually placed on the treated tooth to restore its strength and functionality.

The cost of a root canal treatment varies depending on the tooth affected and the complexity of the procedure. Consult with your dentist for an accurate estimate.

Maintaining good oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and avoiding trauma to your teeth can help prevent the need for future root canal treatments.

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